I’ve just started experimenting with my Voltera that I bought in 2016 via KS (Batch 2) and wanted to share a peculiar experiment I’ve conducted with some of the first ever inks Voltera ever produced. After I received my Voltera the syringes have been moved to the fridge unopened and in a zip lock where they stayed for 6 years+.
The ink printed surprisingly well, although I had to put E+220 increase in pressure (+22 basic mode). I have chosen the oldest expired ink available from the list (I think it was circa 2008).
Hello World also printed fine!
The 6 year solder clogged the 222um nozzle immediately, and wasn’t usable though.
End product:
The silver epoxy, when stored properly, will in fact keep much longer past its expiration date. That, of course, isn’t a guarantee, and YMMV.