Unfortunately, our V-one has conductive ink baked onto the heating plate because when the first board was made it was incorrectly placed on the clamps due to the lack of labels. I initially thought our technologist had rushed through the tutorial and not followed the instructions carefully enough, but after using the printer myself for the first time I discovered that it is extremely easy to get confused with the clamp sides if they are not labeled. In fact, I had to rewatch the tutorial videos a few times to see which edge is used for the baking ledge and which is for clamping.
I was hoping we would be able to order a set of clamps with labels because I am certain all of our engineers and technologists will have the same confusion when using the V-One for their first few boards. I suggest the tutorials be updated to clarify the correct orientations of the clamps. I haven’t noticed the thumbscrew cut-outs, and if they are there, they aren’t enough of a visual cue for the correct orientation.