This is in addition to Matt’s instructions here:
I ran the backlash compensation print in the link above, took a photo as straight down at the print as I could, and then drew lines on it with the computer:
To me, this looks like 3 is the best candidate. So 3 * 0.025 = 0.075 - remember this number. Open gcode console (hit ~ on keyboard), enter M507 X0.075
Print the calibration pattern again to check.
Now I’m basically dead centre on 1. The text is printing all over the place, this new nozzle is not happy at all, its over extruding, under extruding… so please ignore the print quality.
So now i’m at 1 * 0.025mm off, this number needs to be added to the previous number, as M507 is absolute not cumulative. Now I send M507 X0.1.
All set!