Hello @mewertow Thanks for your input.
I have these settings currently.
But soft start ratio only seems to effect the line after the kick has happened. With a lower value it seems to do the kick apply paste, then “fades out” as it draws the paste. Setting to 1.00 seems to help.
But on that basis, it doesn’t help anyway with my problem, as the paste cog is still turning while its moving axis (drawing the paste on the pad). It actually says in the software “The portion of the kick applied after the start of a dispensed line”. Point being after , as it it does the kick first, then after it does the soft start ratio. But again it’s to late anyway.
So the order is ?
kick - soft start ratio - Soft stop ratio
where kick is the start of it dispensing paste on the pad… but the kick doesn’t happen fast enough. As by the time it has done the kick, its already passed over half the pad. The only solution is as I mentioned, to use a slower speed. 150 is what I am currently at. But i’ve had to run right down to 20 in some cases.
The softstop is 0.25 because I think the paste is still flowing when it stops drawing , it actually ends the pad fine otherwise.
Its why I think something is a bit off with the order things happen. It should (or have the option) to complete the kick fully before moving the axis drawing the paste on the pad. Currently this doesn’t happen. I can only slow the speed down to make sure the kick has more time to complete before actually moving over the pads drawing the paste.
I will look at it again tomorrow. Though I don’t think it completes the kick in the Z-axis movements. Starts it yes, but the XY axis is moving while its still doing the kick. Which is the problem I have.