Hi all, really sorry for what is probably a very simple question but I am totally new to PCB design.
I have created a single sided circuit design, printed and drilled it on Voltera. Problem I have is that the connectors (40 pin female and RJ45) need to sit on opposite sides of the board.
The 40 pin connector sits on the non printed side with the pin headers going through the drill holes so I can solder and connect them to the printed circuit connectors on the other side.
The RJ45 sockets sit on the same side as the printed circuit and their headers go through the drilled holes to a blank board on the other side.
I’ve attached photos for clarity.
Would I have to include vias and print on the blank side of the board so I have connectors to solder the RJ45 headers to or is there another way of soldering the RJ45s to the printed circuit?